
Capacity building and trainings

Training to all categories of women; will include mobilization & sensitization, build confidence financial literacy , savings in different categories (types of savings & its Importance), self-respect & mentorship and self-employment, Working together and Cooperative sense in development ,Business spirit / Entrepreneurship and business, Business information, dissemination & sharing existing financial services available and how to access (business support awareness) , Coaching related to each category; Developing a business mind-set, enhancement of leadership capacities, goal setting, planning, prioritizing and time management. Provide training and coaching services on entrepreneurship and business strategy for micro, small and medium enterprises/cooperatives: Developing a business mind-set, enhancement of leadership capacities, goal setting, planning, prioritizing and time management. Before any capacity building to Women the following will be evaluated; .

What is the capacity women have (current situation)?

What are the gaps limiting their performances?

What are the capacity challenges to be addressed?

What are the capacity needs to provide?

Capacity building service

Training to all categories of women:

  • Mobilization & sensitization
  • Build confidence
  • Types of savings & its Importance
  • self-respect & mentorship.
  • self-employment
  • Working together and Cooperative sense of Development
  • Basic Business spirit / Entrepreneurship and business
  • Business information, dissemination & sharing existing financial services available and how to access (business support awareness)
  • Coaching related to each category
  • Developing a business mind-set, enhancement of leadership capacities, goal setting, planning, prioritizing and time management.

Specific objectives of the organization

Promote and protect woman & child’s rigths in their family as a centre of development and, of gender equality to achieve equitable and sustainable development for women and men.
Accelerate girls and young women socio-economic development through promotion of saving (long, midterm and short term savings) and accessibility to loans for better future (Saza Neza)
Initiate practical investments (small, medium and big) and entreprenuership among women and young women through linking them with investment networks for job creation.
Develop capacities for girls and young women through internship, motorship and volonteerism programs for their career guidance and development, entrepreneurship and investment.
Provide advisory services to beneficiaries in terms of research, consultancies and technical assistance.


Promotion of woman and child’s rigths program

This program places a family as a centre of development & gender equality, and caring centre and protection of children. A good family is as a prerequisite to achieve equitable and sustainable development for women and men, girls and boys.

Saza neza program

It consists of promoting long term savings and voluntary pension savings. The program will support beneficiaries in developing a culture of saving through initiation of saving groups and later on work with saving and credit cooperatives, financial institutions and commercial banks.

Investment and entrepreneuship program

This program consists of initiating, encouring, and supporting beneficiaries to undertake small, medium and big investment through creation of micro, small and medium entreprises

Capacity building program

The program targets young women and girls in Rwanda and focused on three areas of leadership, career guidance and entrepreneurship. This program consists of building the capacity of women and girls beneficiaries through trainings, coaching, counselling in financial literacy including saving and credit, entrepreneurship, investments, accounting, financial reporting ; in project planning, budgeting, implementation and monitoring, etc

Advisory services program

It entails research, consultancies and technical assistance to beneficiaries.

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